Part 2 Chapter 2

Looking at Chapter 2:3-5 – The consequences of their disobedience

1.     Why is God going to allow the remaining people Israel failed to clear from the land? V2


2.     What will the remaining people not cleared out be to the nation of Gods people? V3       


3.     Do the consequence (see verse3) give us any insight about the Thorne in the flesh that Paul?           .      . See 2 Cor 12:7-9


4.     Does the thorn in the flesh of Paul give us any insight in the thorn in the side of Israel ?


5.     How did the people respond to Gods words to them?


6.     What was the peoples response to the message of God?



7.     1What should be our response today for identified disobedience of the Lord?


8.     Looking at Chapter 2:6-15 The death of Joshua

9.     What did the people do in the lifetime of Joshua? V7


10.  Age of Joshua


11.  How did the next generation respond to the Lord and why? V10


12.  What was the crime of this new generation? V11-12


13.  How would a good knowledge of the God of Israel have helped to prevent these crimes against the Lord?


14.  What is the Lords response in these days?